Each section of the Knowledge Base explains the used terms, the search function is another way to find the needed information, but we're also working on a dictionary of used terms
Active [panelist status] | defines a panelist that can answer surveys; panelist can log in into panelist's profile; panelists can answer surveys; this status is not a measure of a panelist who will or has a history of answering surveys |
Ad hoc supplier | A supplier of respondents that can be used without prior integration work from Cint (in contrast to other sources such as through API, from mirrored panels, from Cint hosted panels). |
Active sendout | the sendout has been activated and it is sending the study invitations out to the chosen panelists |
Background data | Data on respondents in a survey; Standard data: Year of Birth, Gender, Postal code, occupation and education; Panel Specific data: panel specific question have been used for sampling Global data: Cint global questions used |
Complete redirect page | web page shown to the respondents who successfully answered the survey till the end, respondents that get to this page get completed respondents status |
Complete respondent status | status a respondent gets if they successfully finished the survey and got to Complete end page/panel page; full survey incentives are paid to this panelist (when the panel is paying incentives) |
Conversion rate (CR) |
The conversion rate (CR) provides an overall picture of the probability of the respondents completing the survey once they have clicked on the survey link. For example, a 2% conversion rate means that 2 out of 100 respondents who have entered a survey link actually completing the survey. Conversion rate = Current completes/Number of responded |
Cint unique respondent quality check | Quality check used to not allow duplicate respondents. Respondents can only start a survey if their status indicates that they have not previously responded or, if they have responded, have not completed or been terminated for any reason. Turn off from "Prevent duplicate" toggle if you want to reinvite respondents in same project. |
Days between mailouts | defines how often the survey invitation can be send to a panelist; Can be set per panel(by panel owner) and per panelist. Panelist's days between mailouts overrides the Panel's days between mailouts. |
Declined respondent status | status received by respondent that clicked on survey decline link/refused to take part in a survey |
Decline redirect page | this page is shown to the respondents that declined to participate in the survey, the respondents get status declined |
Drop out rate | the % of panelists that dropped out from a survey. Calculated as timed out/(Responded - survey closed). Timed out panelist are also included into the DOR rate calculation |
Early screenout -respondent status | Status respondent gets when they didn't pass the screening question(s) and didn't qualify into the survey |
Exclude projects | excludes the Panelist IDs existing in chosen project from a new project; the panelists are excluded based on their status in the previous project you set to exclude |
Feasibility | shows respondent's probability to complete a project/survey or not; number of panelists with chosen criteria that are possible to target in chosen panels |
Field work | how many days is a project opened for respondents. Projects do not automatically close after field work runs out. |
Fraudulent - respondent status | The respondent has collected a higher than acceptable fraudulent profile score. Cint uses 21 data points to estimate the fraudulent score. See more on Relevant ID http://www.imperium.com/services/relevantid/ |
Global questions | For each country Cint uses a set of global questions, relevant to the market. These are used for targeting the needed panelists and each of them shows its attributes/answers. |
unique respondent identifier, can be called also "Code" |
Geo IP quality check |
Quality check that makes use of Geo-IP verification technology to ensure that the respondent is located in the project's country. Turn off if you wish to allow respondents from other countries, such as panelists on vacation. |
Incentive | reward that is paid to a panelist when one responds to a survey |
IR ( incidence rate ) |
The incidence rate (IR) is the % of respondents selected for a project that match the project's target group. The respondents who didn't pass the screening question(s) and didn't qualify into a survey, reach the screen out page and are calculate into the overall IR of the project. |
LOI ( length of interview) | how many minutes the survey will take to answer; incentives that are paid to panelists for a survey are based on estimated LOI (length of interview). In field, the actual LOI is a median of all the completed respondents' LOI |
Panel | a group of pre-screened panelists who have expressed willingness to participate in surveys and/or customer feedback sessions |
Panel question (profiling) | This is panel specific profiling. Information requested from the panelists in a panel, those questions are panel specific and can be connected to Cint global questions but not necessary; every question has its variables/answers and settings |
Panel status | Shows the panel's state/condition: if the panel is available or not to buy from |
Panel usage | shows the total number of panelists and how many are currently booked for studies. It also shows you the predicted number of panelists to be released from booking the next five days. |
Panelist | person that is part of a panel and agreed to participate in surveys and/or customer feedback sessions |
Pre screen |
Questions asked before the panelist is allowed into the survey, to determine if they qualify. |
Push supplier / panel |
'Push' is a Cint proprietary term that refers to panelists being notified of current surveys through a mobile app and/or member’s website. These panels are not fully integrated into Insights Exchange, but connected through API. 'Push' is not 'river' sample) |
Possible duplicate status -respondent status |
Status respondent gets when they are stopped by the Cint unique respondent quality check |
Quarantine |
All the panelists invited to answer a survey get in a specific quarantine period depending on their panel settings. While in quarantine the panelists cannot receive more survey invitations. Once the quarantine passes, the panelist becomes once again available for studies. The panelists can choose how often they wish to receive a survey when subscribing, and can decide to receive 1 - 3 or 6 surveys a month. Only 1 invite and 1 reminder can be sent to a panelist for one study/project. |
Quality terminate - respondent status | Respondent was set to "Quality terminate" redirect end-page as setup by the customer in the survey tool. |
Quota full - respondent status |
The quota full rate (QF) is the % panelists who has attempted to take a survey which doesn’t have any additional room for their demographics. |
Quota | A quota is a sub group of a target group. It's a specific number of interviews required in a sub-group. For example, if it is required that a survey of 1,000 people has 500 men then the quota is for 500 men. |
Redirect link | Needed to redirect your respondents to the appropriate page once they are done with your survey. |
Relevant ID quality check | Respondent quality check to avoid getting duplicate or fraudulent respondents, based on a combination of Geo IP location check and browser fingerprinting. Turn off if you want to reinvite respondents in same project |
Response Rate |
Response rate (RR) shows the % of invited panelists who have responded to the survey invitation(clicked to answer or declined). It is calculated as number of answered surveys divided by the number of invitations received |
Started - respondent status |
The respondent has started the survey and is inside it at this point in time. A session is started when the respondent clicked the invitation URL. |
Suspicious - respondent status |
Respondent that answered the study in less than 1 minute. |
Target Group |
The definition of the panelists you want to interview is called target group, it includes information as the country, gender, age, region, profiling etc. Read more. |
Technical terminate respondent status |
The respondent was terminated based on survey compatibility project settings, eg. device type (mobile, tablet, standard), Flash/webcam. Technical terminates are allowed to enter the Optimizer and are not included in IR calculations. |
Timed out - respondent status |
Respondent started the survey but never finished it. The system times out respondent after 1 hour of inactivity within the survey. |
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