Should you want to use a supplier that is not a Cint partner and therefor not connected to Insight Exchange, you can add it as an Ad Hoc Supplier.
Since Ad Hoc Suppliers are not integrated with Insight Exchange it is up to you to negotiate feasibility and pricing with your preferred supplier before launching a project in Access Pro.
Once this is agreed upon you'll be able to set up your projects as usual with just some minor differences.
Here we will show you how to add your Ad Hoc suppliers in Access Pro and provide them links to Supplier Monitor where they can add their redirects, test the links and get the live entry URL through which they can send respondents into your project.
Please note, respondents from Ad Hoc cannot be reinvited.
Project order
As always, begin by setting up the project. You can have any regions and profiling setup, with the exception of Socio Economic Levels(available for Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, UK, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile) . Once you get to the 'Audience pane' click on the Ad Hoc Supply option.
After entering the 'Ad Hoc Supply' subsection click to 'Create a new supplier'. Give the supplier a name of your choice and click to 'Save supplier'.
The new supplier will be created and saved. To use the supplier, select it and indicate the survey language (important for the System to know in which language to ask pre-profiling questions).
Please note:
- You can have maximum of one Ad Hoc Supplier per target group.
When setting up an Ad Hoc Supplier the 'Pricing' pane will show only the cost based on your wanted completes and complete fee, everything else (the "off platform" agreed cost between you and your supplier) will not be there.
Survey tool setup
a) Make survey tool communicate respondent status back to Access Pro
After you clicked to 'Create Project', take the project redirect URLs from Access Pro and paste them into your survey tool. Respondents will be sent to those URLs in accordance with their final status. This way Access Pro is made aware of their final status and respondent count.
b) Tell Access Pro where to find your survey / Add survey link
On 'Project Summary' page, click on the 'Add links' button next to the target group.
From your survey tool, get the template URL or unique survey links for the survey you want to run and add them into Access Pro. This will tell Access Pro how to send the respondents to your survey.
c) Add survey test links
Add test links needed by the supplier in order to make sure the setup works:
unique links - minimum 5 test links
link-template - one dynamic link
d) Test the survey
You should always test the survey you want to run at least once. To do this use test survey links from your survey tool, paste one in your browser and go through the survey yourself. Try to complete it so that you will see the 'survey complete' end page.
Run the same test again (with another test link), but this time try to get screened-out from the survey. Once again, check that you are directed to the screenout end page.
e) Order project
Now you are ready to order the project.
Agree to the Terms and Conditions and order the project.
Ad Hoc Supplier setup (done by the supplier)
The supplier’s side of the setup is very similar to your own survey setup.
The same way you connect your survey tool to Access Pro; your supplier also needs to connect their own system to Access Pro.
a) Give supplier access to the ‘Supplier Monitor’
For this task we provide suppliers with the ‘Supplier Monitor’. You can find the link to the monitor page in Access Pro under: Target Group overview / 'Setup' tab. Send that link to your supplier and ask them to complete their side of the setup.
b) Supplier to paste ‘supplier redirect URLs’ into the ‘Supplier Monitor’
Your supplier needs to put their ‘supplier redirect URLs’ into the Supplier Monitor so Access Pro can register when their respondents complete a survey, gets screened out, etc.
In Access Pro you will see when the supplier has added the redirect links
c) Retrieve Live Entry URL
The 'Supplier Monitor' generates the entry URL to the target group, which the supplier needs to copy and paste into their system.
When the setup is complete, the supplier should be able to send respondents to Access Pro. Respondents might be asked pre-profiling questions before they reach the actual survey and might get screened out. Upon completing the survey, the respondent will be sent back to Access Pro where they get registered and then directed back to the supplier to be registered there as well.
Please note: should you wish to not ask any pre-profiling questions, then setup the sample targeting in broader way (e.g. ages 14-99, no regions or profiling selected, no quotas).
Click on 'Run Test' to get redirected to a test session for candidate respondent
Supplier can save redirects and settings
Ask supplier to send respondents
When the complete chain is established and tested, your Access Pro project is ready to accept respondents from your Ad Hoc Supplier into your target group.
Tell your ad hoc supplier to start sending respondents into your target group to start collecting completes.
Consolidate respondents
Once you have collected the wanted completes from the supplier, your supplier can download a report with their respondents statuses from 'Supplier Monitor'. This is used to sync the supplier's system and Access Pro, should there be any discrepancy.
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